Think With Me …. Minister ‘B’

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We preach, gospelize, Christ crucified, I Cor 1.23. This is part of the word of Christ, vs. 17. The entire revelation of God’s plan including the incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension.  It can be easy to stop at The Cross. We must proceed on to the Resurrection. For, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins” I Cor 15.17NASB. Our pardon has been purchased; the Father has accepted His sacrifice.  This is Good News; let us keep it all together.

It’s not so much ‘what’ we believe; but ‘Whom’ we believe.  He is all there is. Believe Him. He is the Theory of Everything.  Rely on Him. He is center and circumference. Lean all your weight on Him. We have come to the conclusion, as Thomas did when Jesus invited him to touch Him after the resurrection, “My Lord and my God”, John 20.27-28. Be not unbelieving, but believing. Be Blessed as Jesus promised, “Because you, Thomas, have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.”

So, join with the declaring angel, “He is not here, for He has Risen, just as he said” Mt 28.5-6. Let Him rise in your heart with healing in His wings, Malachi 4.2. Be in relationship with Him and find that resurrection power for daily life now. The promise is to you. Come home. Live with Him now and on into forever, to the age of the ages.


  • Patty Dunahoo


    Hello Pastor Boots. I don’t know if you remember my daughter or me its been years. The two of us came to Tipi Wakan with Oakland Baptist Church and while there she asked you to Baptize her. You said she would be the first person to be baptized there and you wanted to take a picture and hang it to remember. My name is Patty Dunahoo and her name is Paige Dunahoo. By chance does this bring back any memories? I have not kept in contact and do apologize. Having said that I would very much like to fix it by hearing from you and keeping in contact in the future.

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